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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Azkals are not worth it!

Christina Ramos during TV interview
 Azkals members allegedly accused of  sexual harassment
Everyone has an opinion (referring to Arnold Clavio's recent trending on Azkals comment - Link to Arnold Clavio's comment on Azkals )and all of these people THINK they are right. This is an issue on sexual harassment. The woman who filed the report is implied to be not credible because she was a former president's daughter? People are cussing at clavio and threatening to kill him over this?? This is the problem with us, we cannot respect a person's opinion if they are high profile. Even if he is a journalist he has a right to his opinion NOT necessarily backed by his network. All this negative energy... wow.. we just fueled the fire on this one. If this "trend" is going to change things then go ahead, knock yourselves out. There are more pressing issues like the impending Tuition HIKE that will render 80% of students to drop out in the next school year. Filipinos without a good education is SOMETHING THAT IS WORTH being all FIRED up more. 

I've heard from a person before ( I don't remember who)  Filipinos are the most racist people in the world. IF you prefer your skin to be white or "lighter" and your curly hair , straighter then you have no pride in your culture. We worship anything imported or made 'somewhere else" Stop the HYPOCRISY! 

We are calling each other names over these testosterone-pumped-egomaniacs called Azkals! They might have represented the country for sports? And? So what??? Don't all of us represent the country? If you think about it. YOU (yes, you reading this) is responsible for representing the country and its culture everyday of your life! (which ever country or race) Have some pride! We should stop judging each other for the lifestyle we chose to live. The key is to live your life everyday to make a difference (yeah sounds cliche) but that is what it all boils down to. We forgot all about the basics. The word racism wasn't even a word an average Filipino would know 20 years ago. The western culture immersed us all into this mentality. I am not saying its bad, but I am just saying we have a whole lot of "cultural influence" from a whole lot of different races and cultures. That is why we are losing our identities. Everyone is "cut" with or mixed with something else. And for most people being mixed with something else is rather something to be proud of. No one loves the button nose, nor the dark skin. We keep trying to be something we are not meant to be. Now forgive me but that is racist. 

 # justmytwocentsworth

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I'ma be me!

It took me decades to finally accept who I am. I was born with a dark Puertorican-Filipino decent. So growing up I looked black (Afro-American). There were countless incidents of discrimination, from making fun of my unfamiliar physical features. My skin was dark. I have tight curly hair. But my "uniqueness" wasn't just because I looked different. My upbringing was a major contributor to why I was apart from everyone else.

   My dad is Puertorican and Filipino, but he was born and raised in the Philippines. Back in the day, he worked for the US bases in Clark as a civilian employee. Way before I was born, he already adopted the positives of the different cultures he has come in contact with. His philosophy is to "take the positives and drop the negatives". So he raised me in an unconventional way, contradictory to the "traditional" way of raising kids in my generation. I was not allowed to watch ANY kind of Filipino TV show at all except "John and Marsha".  His argument was; "Filipino TV and movies were predictable and no morals to learn from". So I wasn't only different because of the way I looked, I was different in values, too.

   The dilemma was, I couldn't relate to any of the kids my age at first, because I was in the public school system. The only consolation is, I excelled in academics, sports and the arts. It's like a "stereotype" if you think about it. I was an excellent dancer, I was switching from alto to soprano in my school choir, and the best sprinter in my time. People didn't expect me to be smart too. Competing in academic quiz bees everywhere is also an honor I brought to my school and parents. It was hard to "blend in" so-to-speak.

   I've had a breath of fresh air when I transfered to the high school inside the US bases. I thought to myself; "wow, finally no one is gonna make fun of me, because I look like most of these kids!" But to my surprise! It was still the same! To these kids I was still different. I was " the Filipino kid". I mean "what the hell?", I am back where I started. I need to blend in again?

Growing up mixed was really a double-edged sword. It was a positive and a negative. Of course most people were at the peak of awkward in high school. In college, I guess I was in a phase were I decided to be "me". So I let my hair down. Curls and all! People thought I went to I.S because I had an American Accent. (Thanks to my Dad's mandate to watch only English shows).

When I first joined the workforce. My ability to converse in English fluently (sounding like an American) was an advantage. Making me a commodity of demand in any industry, most especially when the call centers came into the scene.

My resume maybe considered "impressive" considering the opportunities that were opened to me because of how I was brought up. Because I was myself.

I would like to thank my father, Antonio B. Gines for being the father that he is, and my mom, Mercelita Gines, who balanced things out. And the rest of my very diverse family. If not for them, I wouldn't be who I am today.

So "I'ma be me", I do me very well, I am comfortable being "me", I am at peace.

Pretending to be someone else, or emanating someone else's essence, identity or lifestyle will not give you peace. Be proud of your heritage, your family and your accomplishments. They summarize your whole existence. Be unique, be you. You will thank me for it. =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

This is a provocative read, so caution to you who is reading this.
Growing up we were all taught that telling the truth is the right thing to do, and that to "lie" will get you in trouble. I am no saint. And I am no devil either. But I was forced in a situation where I had to live in an alternate universe. A universe where I was someone completely different. The total opposite of who I am. "Forced into it" maybe a strong word you may think, but consider this. You always want to say the truth but you are subject to emotional abuse, every single time you try, you end up in an argument, because one of you in this dialog refuses to hear the truth for whatever reason. So you start not saying the entire truth, you withdraw information to soften the blow. But still the other party refuses to hear this truth. After a while, you see that your situation is hopeless and you revert to a twisted reality where lies is better than the truth.

I have researched that 87% of women who are emotionally abused, escape to an alternate "pretend" lifestyle. To escape the fear, the hurt, the bad feeling in their stomach when ever they encounter this abusive situation. Some women resort to self infliction, eating disorders, substance abuse or the worst, suicide.

The most difficult part of this situation is knowing that the person that has hurt you over and over is supposedly the one you expect to keep you safe, protect you and nurture you. I have resorted to the lies. I have been the person I despise, in the desperation to get the respect, admiration and probably "love" you slowly lost in the midst of the fear, the heartache and the pain.

At first it might have been intentional to spite the other person, but in the end... it was something you couldn't control, you slowly got your "high" from this alternate reality or lifestyle.

The fucked up part is, being exposed, laying bare, naked , human. You expect the anger and the resentment full force, but you wish to be understood too at that same time. You are asked to explain but you can not because you are engulfed in fear. You try to talk but your throat feels like its about to explode. You are judged, humiliated and called despicable names. You sit there and take it. You secretly are relieved to be caught because this situation might actually end your suffering.

Its funny how things started, because the ballooning lie that blew up in your face was the result of the lies you were told all these years.

You now have a choice to make things right or live in another life of lies. The humiliation consumes you and re-kindles the guilt feelings.. The things that hurt most is the hurtful words that can never be erased.. you are scared for life... wounded in the first place by the avoidance to hear the truth, gashed and bruised by the accumulation of lies, cut and bled by the exposure of your frail humanity and scared for life by the piercing words that came from the mouth of the person whom you trusted and loved.

This maybe a different time, place and different characters, but the cycle will continue.. there will always be refusal to hear and face the truth, there will always be lies, and surely broken spirits, hearts and lives in the process.

My hope is for people in relationships should keep the lines of communications open. Speak the truth to save you from lies.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

R-E-S-P-E-C-T tell you what it means to ME

R-E-S-P-E-C-T tell you what it means to me!
A well-known and well-loved song talking about RESPECT.

Well, what is it to me? Respect is entwined with integrity and dignity. Whether in the presence of the person or not respect is undeniable. Respect is definitely earned and not given. Everyone's life force needs to be respected. Respect of one's belief also needs to understood. No passing judgement, no bigotry. Respect is associated with love and commitment. People say that when you lose respect for your partner, superior, friend- that is the beginning of the end of your relationship.

How does one lose respect?
When you see that you are taken for granted.
When you are not given respect back.
When you see the deteriorating humanity in others.
When you try your best and spat in the eye.
When you give your all and you gain nothing.
When you sacrifice your life and its thought of as obligation.
When you put someone first and you are last in their list.
When you crave to be acknowledged and you are an embarrassment to be associated.
When you love them despite of and they demand conditions.
When you expect to be loved the same way and you get a "take it or leave it" response
When you are willing to give your life for them and they push you under the bus for shit.
When you've proven your loyalty and you are disrespected by flirtatious habits.
When you always look after their best interest and they look best after theirs.
When you wish they will think of you first and you end up forgotten.....

Respect is a seven-letter word but is bigger than life itself...If people think you deserve it, be thankful, if you give due respect to those who deserve it, then be thankful, if you happen to lose it from others, make sure you redeem yourself. If you lose respect for someone.... try to find it again. Much is given, but much is required... I hope I never have to say a person is un-redeemable.. then it is the end...


Friday, August 27, 2010

No way out???

I have been thinking about this over and over. I think I've had enough. I want out of this relationship! Let's just say I am tired of the repetitive scenarios that is slowly sucking the very life out of you. Yes, its draining to keep going through the same shit over and over for how much? 8 years?
This is no 7 year itch! Its reality. I think the 7th year myth is not so far fetched after all. The first year is all roses and butterflies, the following years is when you tell yourself, he is a good man, lets give him a chance. Another year passes by and you are still telling yourself this may be worth saving. After all the usual "man things"like, flirting with other women, taking up a new hobby, video games, other buddies (barkadas) that you have to put up with! Why do you? Coz he says " I am not out in bars trying to chase after women to nail!" So should I be grateful?? I may have been swayed for a number of years but now? HELL NO! Chasing after women in bars is a very dangerous game men play even when they are unattached/single whatever they wanna call that shit! When you enter a relationship, (and even 11 year-olds know this) you ares supposed to be faithful and trustworthy, no more flirting, no more saving numbers in code, no more texting chicks late at night to check if you "Still got it".
Women give up these things so easily when they think or feel that they are ready to commit to another person. Why can't guys do that???! They have to have conditions, they always want you to chose between some male outrageous sport/hobby or womanizing.. and if they are not womanizing then you should be thanking the heavens for getting a man like that! BULL to the SHIT!
I am not wasting my youth on someone that doesn't want to really commit in the real sense of the word. Putting up with things that are grounds to leave a man is too much! Staying makes you stupid.
And come to think of it, when I mentioned I wanted to part ways, he comes up with this ridiculous suspicion that I have a boyfriend on the side! Come on women how many times this happened to you. I mean can't a woman want to leave a relationship without a third party? (Palibhasa) its the norm in a man's excuse to leave a relationship. I am not a man hater, I just hate the things that men do to try to get out of what they might think is a mess.
And when he was convinced its not another man, he comes up with "whoever you are talking to... whoever is giving you advice is stupid!" but when its their "homies" that give them advice about leaving a chick they would say " man...I think you're right" and that ain't stupid!??

Anyway, this is a f*cked up situation, I want to end this but he won't let me!!! DAMN!
Can anyone out there gimme "Stupid" advice please??
