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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Azkals are not worth it!

Christina Ramos during TV interview
 Azkals members allegedly accused of  sexual harassment
Everyone has an opinion (referring to Arnold Clavio's recent trending on Azkals comment - Link to Arnold Clavio's comment on Azkals )and all of these people THINK they are right. This is an issue on sexual harassment. The woman who filed the report is implied to be not credible because she was a former president's daughter? People are cussing at clavio and threatening to kill him over this?? This is the problem with us, we cannot respect a person's opinion if they are high profile. Even if he is a journalist he has a right to his opinion NOT necessarily backed by his network. All this negative energy... wow.. we just fueled the fire on this one. If this "trend" is going to change things then go ahead, knock yourselves out. There are more pressing issues like the impending Tuition HIKE that will render 80% of students to drop out in the next school year. Filipinos without a good education is SOMETHING THAT IS WORTH being all FIRED up more. 

I've heard from a person before ( I don't remember who)  Filipinos are the most racist people in the world. IF you prefer your skin to be white or "lighter" and your curly hair , straighter then you have no pride in your culture. We worship anything imported or made 'somewhere else" Stop the HYPOCRISY! 

We are calling each other names over these testosterone-pumped-egomaniacs called Azkals! They might have represented the country for sports? And? So what??? Don't all of us represent the country? If you think about it. YOU (yes, you reading this) is responsible for representing the country and its culture everyday of your life! (which ever country or race) Have some pride! We should stop judging each other for the lifestyle we chose to live. The key is to live your life everyday to make a difference (yeah sounds cliche) but that is what it all boils down to. We forgot all about the basics. The word racism wasn't even a word an average Filipino would know 20 years ago. The western culture immersed us all into this mentality. I am not saying its bad, but I am just saying we have a whole lot of "cultural influence" from a whole lot of different races and cultures. That is why we are losing our identities. Everyone is "cut" with or mixed with something else. And for most people being mixed with something else is rather something to be proud of. No one loves the button nose, nor the dark skin. We keep trying to be something we are not meant to be. Now forgive me but that is racist. 

 # justmytwocentsworth