A well-known and well-loved song talking about RESPECT.
Well, what is it to me? Respect is entwined with integrity and dignity. Whether in the presence of the person or not respect is undeniable. Respect is definitely earned and not given. Everyone's life force needs to be respected. Respect of one's belief also needs to understood. No passing judgement, no bigotry. Respect is associated with love and commitment. People say that when you lose respect for your partner, superior, friend- that is the beginning of the end of your relationship.
How does one lose respect?
When you see that you are taken for granted.
When you are not given respect back.
When you see the deteriorating humanity in others.
When you try your best and spat in the eye.
When you give your all and you gain nothing.
When you sacrifice your life and its thought of as obligation.
When you put someone first and you are last in their list.
When you crave to be acknowledged and you are an embarrassment to be associated.
When you love them despite of and they demand conditions.
When you expect to be loved the same way and you get a "take it or leave it" response
When you are willing to give your life for them and they push you under the bus for shit.
When you've proven your loyalty and you are disrespected by flirtatious habits.
When you always look after their best interest and they look best after theirs.
When you wish they will think of you first and you end up forgotten.....
Respect is a seven-letter word but is bigger than life itself...If people think you deserve it, be thankful, if you give due respect to those who deserve it, then be thankful, if you happen to lose it from others, make sure you redeem yourself. If you lose respect for someone.... try to find it again. Much is given, but much is required... I hope I never have to say a person is un-redeemable.. then it is the end...